What is Linkedin for Professionals? | what is the use of Linkedin?

5 min readNov 3, 2021


LinkedIn is a social networking site for the business community. The site was established in 2002. It is a platform for professionals to network with each other, improve their business connections, exchanges business ideas, look for job opportunities, and find new hires.

LinkedIn is an essential tool for finding a job and starting your own business.

What is Linkedin for?

LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform that’s gained a great deal of attention recently. It connects you to the latest professionals, allowing you to easily share information about your background, skills, and experiences. Not only that, but you can also find various internships, careers, skills and build your professional profile at the same time.

LinkedIn works by letting you use the tools and features on your account to build your
professional network. The goal is to connect with others on a common interest, to exchange ideas, to provide and exchange information, to form your personal business profile, and much more.

With over one million members and growing, LinkedIn is fast becoming an essential tool in any successful business networking event. This is true even for those who are new to using social media platforms as part of a marketing strategy.

With these benefits in mind, there is little wonder why more professionals are beginning to include LinkedIn as part of their overall marketing strategy. The only thing that is really limiting your LinkedIn marketing strategy is the amount of time and energy that you can invest in promoting your profile.

What is the use of Linkedin as an individual ?

It’s easy for a new user to overlook some of the great features LinkedIn offers personal users. First, create a profile. It’s like your professional resume. Many people will create an account but then leave it, because they don’t know how LinkedIn should be used.

These are some tips to help beginners for what is the use of Linkedin.

1) Keep in touch and reconnect with old colleagues :

Use the My Network section of LinkedIn to connect with old friends, teachers, former classmates, and anyone you feel is valuable to add to your professional network. You can sync LinkedIn contacts by connecting your email or entering your email.

2) Your profile can be used as your resume :

Your profile can be used as a resume. This can be used as a link in an email or cover letter to include when applying for jobs. Many websites that allow you to apply for jobs will allow you to connect to your LinkedIn profile in order to import all of your information.

3) Search for job openings and apply :

LinkedIn is an excellent place to search online for job postings. LinkedIn will always provide recommendations for jobs you may be interested in, but you have the option to use the search bar if you are looking for specific positions.

related : 10 Ways Use to Get LinkedIn Careers Opportunities

4) Make connections with professionals :

It’s wonderful to reconnect with old colleagues, and it’s also great to connect with anyone at your workplace who is also on LinkedIn.However, what’s even more exciting is the possibility to find new professionals both locally and internationally who could help you with your professional pursuits.

5) Join in relevant organizations :

Joining relevant groups is a great way of meeting new professionals. You may find other members of the group like what you see, and they might want to make connections with you

6) Blog about the things you are passionate about :

LinkedIn’s unique publishing platform allows users of LinkedIn to publish blog articles and receive thousands of views. Your profile will display published posts. This will boost your credibility and help you to be more relevant in your field

Some of Linkedin’s main features:

These are some basic features of this business network, and how they were designed to be used professionally.

1) Marketing & Networking :

LinkedIn is used for marketing, networking, sales, and even to get new leads for your real estate agency. Because everything is done online, your LinkedIn activity is completely transparent.

2) Building Connections :

Connections are made easier through LinkedIn. In fact, it is said that a mere 30 seconds is all that is required for a connection to occur. All you have to do is take a few minutes to fill out your profile, add a few links and information, and you’re all set for making connections and building relationships.

LinkedIn for business purposes allows you to manage your connections, search for individuals based on your interests, search for job roles based on your expertise, and manage your career, education, and certifications. You can make updates, provide commentaries, post links, comments, photos, and more right from your professional network. If you’re on a job search, you can connect with potential clients and send them news about your opportunities. With access to thousands of specialists and professionals, you can find other professionals to connect with to help you gain a competitive edge.

$) Provides Powerfull Backlinks :

In addition, when used in conjunction with other social media platforms, LinkedIn provides an excellent source of targeted backlinks to your website that can increase traffic to your site even during a networking event.

5) Gain Knowledge & Information :

You can also gain access to a wealth of knowledge and information on your industry as well as connect with other like-minded professionals who can provide invaluable advice regarding your career.

6) Maximizing Industry Position :

If used successfully, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for maximizing your visibility in search engines. You can easily position yourself as a trusted leader in your industry based upon the relationships that you establish with others.

7) Develop Future Business Relationships :

By connecting to the individuals who are following you on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, you can develop relationships that could lead to future business transactions. While LinkedIn isn’t as tightly integrated as other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ it does make the task of connecting with others much simpler.

Once you’ve built a professional network of contacts via LinkedIn, all of the activities related to your networking event will become easier to manage. Because you are able to share insightful information about your business through a professional network.

Unlike using social media, you don’t have to worry about being embarrassed or misrepresented. Your identity is kept secure and your connections can see exactly who you are connecting with.

it is important that you provide the same information within all of your other social media platforms as well. As you create content and distribute it to your various accounts, it is only natural that your followers will begin to notice you and your links.

For newbies to LinkedIn, here’s how to get started.

It is simple to get started with LinkedIn. Go to LinkedIn.com, and click the Join Now button at the top of your screen. This will guide you through setting up your profile, filling in your experience and portfolio, as well as adding professionals to your network, and following your interests. You can then explore the site.

However, if you are creating a profile on LinkedIn, then you have to optimize the sizes of the images very carefully. If you want to get complete information about profile images, then you can get complete information by reading the article on the link given below. 👇

Originally published at https://gliteg.com on November 3, 2021.




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